Saturday, 14 June 2014

How to make you first quilt

I love making quilt for newborns because I get to choose from different super cute fabrics and put them altogether.  It is simple and best of all made with love.  Knowing that every quilt is unique and they can be kept for life.
So I am going to show you how to make one of the simplest quilt ever.
Hardest thing you have to do is ....
Pick the fabrics you like to put on the quilt.

The following is the fabrics I chosen:
You can chose any fabrics, any arrangement you like.
I like to use 6 different fabric designs to make 5 columns and 6 rows.

Step 1:  Cut a square of 6 and half inch

Step 2: Align your first row

Step 3: Pin 2 squares with right side together and sew them together on one side
I usually sew 5 columns of 6 squares although it doesn't really matter whether you sew columns or rows first

Step 4: Sew the columns together.

Try to align them as accurately as possible

Front panel done.

Step 5: Cut the backing fabric to the size of the front panel

Step 6: Pin the three layers together

Step 7: Iron the ribbon half lengthwise.  Choose wider ribbon to make it easier to sew.  
Pin the ribbon to the border.

Corner is a little bit tricky

Step 8: Sew the ribbon to the border making sure the ribbon is lining up neatly top and bottom.

Finished product.

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