Friday, 20 June 2014

How to make a Hessian/ Burlap Decorator Sack

One of my most recent DIY project using the beautiful Hessian fabrics (aka Burlap in US and Canada) to make this versatile sack.  It looks great as a decorator piece and fantastic for keeping all your items together while keeping your table/bench top clean of clutter.  

First step: Find a piece of Hessian fabrics.  
Nowadays, you can find different beautiful designs just like this one from Spotlight.
Cut to desire size using this Height:width ratio = 2:3

Second Step: Fold the fabrics in half widthwise and pin the right side together.


Third Step: Sew the side with zigzag stitches

Fourth Step:  Sew the bottom with zigzag stitches

Fifth step: Now this is most tricky step.  You have to fold and align the side stitches and the bottom stitches together one on top of another forming a peak with the corner.  Pin so that it is secure.

Sixth step: Sew zigzag stitches across.  I sew this one at 6cm from the peak.  Depending on the size of your sack you will have to move closer or further from the peak.  This is the so called "box corner" that enable the sacks stand up properly. Repeat on the other side and cut the extra fabrics.

Finally, you can turn the sack inside out and fold the top down twice to hide the raw edges.

This is one of easiest project you will ever come across.  
Give it a go if you have a spare 15 mins.

Happy weekend!

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